Things You Need to Know about Google’s “Hummingbird”

Hummingbird is the name of Google’s latest search algorithm. According to the search engine company, you can expect better search results from this new algorithm.

While the search algorithm change was announced only in September 2013, Google had already began using it a month earlier.

New and Improved

Think of Hummingbird as a new and improved version of the old search algorithm. It’s like replacing the engine of an old car with a new one. It’s basically the same car, but it runs with a more fuel-efficient engine. What’s amazing is that Google made the switch without anyone noticing it.

Things You Need to Know about Google’s “Hummingbird”

You may have heard about other Google algorithm updates like Panda and Penguin. What differentiates these updates from Hummingbird is that the latter is an entirely new “car engine”; Panda and Penguin are just revamped versions of the old one.

With Hummingbird, Google made use of the best parts of the old algorithm and dispensed with the rest. As Google’s reps put it, Hummingbird seeks to serve the demands of today. Accordingly, it is tossing out the technologies of yesterday.

Things You Need to Know about Google’s “Hummingbird”

Enter Conversational Search

One of the most distinguishing features of Hummingbird is the “conversational search.” Instead of just entering “car engine parts,” you can now type “Where’s the closest shop to look for car engine parts?”

This spells a world of difference for physicians seeking to make their services known in their area. Patients could type their queries in a conversational tone such as “Where can I find a dentist near my home?”

Things You Need to Know about Google’s “Hummingbird”

With Hummingbird, the whole sentence is taken into consideration rather than just focusing on certain words. Thus, it produces better search results.

In summary, Google is now even better in targeting relevant search results for users and patients looking for medical or dental providers. What would this mean for your practice’s website? Make sure that your copy includes all the necessary keywords. Make sure you are active on social media networks and have your patients talk about your website and services. Make sure you have an SEO strategy in place that also provides you with monthly reporting. For more tips you can visit our posting on SEO Tips to Boost Your Healthcare Marketing Success

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