Not every patient is a delight to deal with. Maybe an appointment went out of line with the patient’s expectations; maybe the patient felt you didn’t give enough time to listen to their problems’ or maybe they are just taking … Continue reading
Not every patient is a delight to deal with. Maybe an appointment went out of line with the patient’s expectations; maybe the patient felt you didn’t give enough time to listen to their problems’ or maybe they are just taking … Continue reading
Don’t have thousands of dollars to spend on marketing your medical practice? No worries – there are plenty of healthcare marketing tactics you can use without blowing your budget. Here the top five ideas to market a clinic: 1. Get … Continue reading
Dealing with difficult or dissatisfied patients is anything but easy. However, with the tips and attitude, you can navigate these tricky patient situations and emerge unscathed. Here’re some tips to handle a difficult patient: 1. Listen to the patient: Do … Continue reading
Excellent patient satisfaction is a goal for every medical practice and a key to growth. Here’re three proven ways to ensure and achieve patient satisfaction: 1. Offer omnichannel patient support: If you’re not familiar with the concept of omnichannel support, … Continue reading
Knowing how new patients are searching for your medical practice gives you the chance to focus your efforts better so you can bring more business through your door. It also helps identify new marketing opportunities so that you can put … Continue reading
We cannot question the importance of patient experience and satisfaction. Still, most medical practices are trying to tackle how to improve patient service, and subsequently, patient satisfaction. There is no perfect strategy to achieve 100% patient satisfaction. Every medical practice … Continue reading
Ever wondered what makes your patients satisfied? Low price? Glamorous waiting area? Convenient parking? Flexible appointment slots? Healthcare providers and marketers have been struggling with the answer to this question for decades, and for almost as long, marketing experts have … Continue reading
If there’s one question all dental practitioners lose sleep to, it is ‘how to attract more patients?’ But is attracting more patients so hard? It is hard because most dental marketers can’t figure out the best dental marketing strategies to … Continue reading
Patient referrals are one of the most successful ways to attract more business. But, many healthcare marketers ignore referral marketing altogether. Whether you have a referral program in place or not, your medical practice has new patients coming in via … Continue reading
As a hospital owner or marketer, your goal for advertising is probably to attract more patients – or to get in front of them, so when it comes time to make an appointment, your medical practice is on their radar. … Continue reading