
Why Social Media is the Perfect Tool for Growing Your Orthodontics Practice

Posted on by Practice Builders

Why Social Media is the Perfect Tool to Grow Your Orthodontics Practice?

It’s no secret that you need more patients if you want to grow your orthodontic practice. If you want to reach out and engage more patients online, then you need social media marketing for orthodontists. Orthodontic marketing with social media … Continue reading


There’s Big Revenue In Fixing Your Medical Practice’s Online Reputation!

Posted on by Practice Builders

There's Big Revenue In Fixing Your Medical Practice's Online Reputation!

Think about the last time you booked a hotel. Why did you choose that particular hotel? Well, if you are like most people, you probably asked your family and friends or searched online for a hotel with impressive star ratings … Continue reading


Your One-Stop Guide to Dental Patient Referral Marketing

Posted on by Practice Builders

Your One-Stop Guide to Dental Patient Referral Marketing

Dental referral marketing (or word-of-mouth marketing) is a powerful marketing strategy and one of the best tactics for acquiring more patients and improving conversion rate. However, finding the right ways to motivate your existing patients to refer their family and … Continue reading


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