How do nurses motivate patients?

How do nurses motivate patients?

Patient compliance is a challenging issue. Nurses’ desire to help patients get well soon is often derailed when patients don’t do their part. Here’re five tricks nurses often use to motivate patients to take ownership of their health:

1. Set short-term goals: Nurses know where their patients need to be, and the time it will take to get there, so they break patients’ big healthcare goals into smaller ones and present them one at a time. It becomes less overwhelming for the patient to achieve a smaller goal, and the progress motivates him or her to continue the same routine at home.

How do nurses motivate patients?

2. Educate patients: Nurses often keep brochures and other informative material on hand relating to a patient’s specific health condition, which are handed them out to patients highlighting specific tips or pointers that relate to them.

3. Suggest events or workshops: A lot of communities’ host events or workshops to educate patients on how to live with their health conditions. For instance, if a nurse is looking after a diabetic or cardiac patient where the diet is crucial to managing the disease, the nurse can suggest a workshop on how to interpret food labels and uncover the dangers of certain foods.

How do nurses motivate patients?

4. Hold patients accountable: Nurses must convey to patients that they are responsible for their own healthcare. Patients must be told precisely what they need to do to achieve their healthcare goals. Patients can be given a journal to log their progress, which nurses can check at the next appointment.

5. Ensure regular follow up: Nurses should schedule regular follow-ups with patients and consider having a staff member check on them between appointments. Patients should be encouraged to call or email with any questions or concerns between appointments. This added attention will help boost their motivation.

Looking for more tips and tools to educate your patients and motivate them to meet their health goals? Contact us today!

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