How Are Your Patients Seeing Your Website?

Online practice marketing has changed the way doctors and healthcare practitioners attract new patients into their practice. To draw prospective patients, today’s healthcare practitioners are developing their own websites to use as platforms for increasing awareness about their practice and enticing people to seek care from them. But what happens if these websites are not attracting new patients into the practice?

Have you ever wondered why your website isn’t causing an influx of new patients? Has it occurred to that people may be turned off by your website? If so, you could use some tips. Here are some of the probable reasons why your website is keeping visitors and patients away:

Too Many Photos

Pictures are good, but as the old adage goes, “Too much of anything is bad for you.” Having too many photos on your website can cause slow page loading times. Put yourself in your patient’s shoes; how long would you be willing to wait for the page to load? The longer you’re waiting for the page to load, the more likely you are to get distracted with other things.

How Are Your Patients Seeing Your Website?

Keep Your Text Short

A prospective patient doesn’t have to read multiple pages of text to know about your practice and what you do. Keep your content short and precise. In addition, try to break up your text into smaller paragraphs or make use of numbered or bulleted points for easy reading or scanning of your page.

Aim for Simplified Site Navigation

If visitors get lost in your website’s navigation, they are more likely to head elsewhere. Thus, it’s best not to confuse them with a complicated web navigation.

How Are Your Patients Seeing Your Website?

Avoid Bright and Neon Colors on Your Website

You might want to avoid the use of bright or neon colors for your website. They are generally off-putting and unprofessional. Opt instead for neutral colors that are cool and relaxing to the eyes.

Auto-Play Video and Audio Are No-Nos

Imagine being blasted with loud audio or a video you can’t stop. Most web users will either turn off the audio or leave the page entirely. Pushing potential new patients into listening or watching something they probably don’t want to hear or see is a big no-no. Instead give them the choice by adding a Play button in your website’s audio or video feature.

How Are Your Patients Seeing Your Website?

Keep Your Contact Information Visible in Your Web Pages

Make your phone numbers, addresses, e-mail address, and other contact information handy for your website’s visitors. Post them in a visible area of your page, typically at the top of the page.


Make sure you have a mobile version for your website. The number of mobile users is growing by the day and you want them to have a good experience on your website. To exactly know how many mobile website visitors you have, check your Google Analytics report.

Want to boost your website’s ability to attract and engage new patients? Speak with the healthcare marketing consultants at Practice Builders.

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