How does an inferior product succeed in the marketplace while a superior product falters or fails? Why are consumers willing to spend 50% more for a product that is essentially the same as its competitor or buy services that are … Continue reading
How does an inferior product succeed in the marketplace while a superior product falters or fails? Why are consumers willing to spend 50% more for a product that is essentially the same as its competitor or buy services that are … Continue reading
It’s one thing to talk with your patients face-to-face, and yet another thing to talk to patients or potential new patients via the written word. Many doctors, dentists and healthcare practitioners feel uncomfortable with this process or unqualified as professional … Continue reading
Before 2005, it’s unlikely you would have been asked such a question. Back then, only a handful of patients were reviewing and rating physicians and dentists. By 2010, the number of patient ratings online had reached well over 386,000. Since … Continue reading
Looking for an advertising or marketing strategy with a great track record and proven results for healthcare practices? Patient testimonials can give you added credibility, a closer connection to your target audience and some attention-getting marketing messages. Just be careful … Continue reading
YouTube now gets over 3 billion video views every day. The power of online video is unmatched and still growing by leaps and bounds. People love watching videos for entertainment, insight and instruction. And virtually anyone can make a video … Continue reading
The best email subject lines are short, descriptive and give your patients a reason to open your message. Most email recipients ignore splashy, salesy or cheesy phrases, so avoid using them in subject lines. They won’t get opened. A recent … Continue reading