Attract More Patients and Grow Your Practice with Medical Blogging

Posted on by Practice Builders

Attract More Patients and Grow Your Medical Practice With Blogging

Blogs get people’s attention. The fact that you’re reading this right now proves it. Medical practice blogging is no different. Blogging is an effective healthcare marketing strategy that can help your medical practice attract more patients. Blogging is also an … Continue reading

Blogging: Your Ultimate Tools for Generating Leads and Improving Your Online Reputation

Posted on by Practice Builders

Blogging: The Ultimate Tool for Generating Leads and Improving Online Reputation

Like healthcare itself, healthcare marketing presents an ever-changing landscape of possibilities. The best marketing strategies from yesterday may not be the best options for today or in the future, especially when it comes to what healthcare marketing companies like to … Continue reading

6 Content Marketing Trends for 2020 That’ll Drive Your Success

Posted on by Practice Builders

6 Content Marketing Trends for 2020 That'll Drive Your Success

“Content marketing is the only healthcare marketing that’s left.” These words of Seth Godin (spoken over 11 years ago) look more prophetic with each passing year. In 2020, a higher number of medical practices are seeing the light and embracing … Continue reading

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